The Global Platform on International Public Policies is a space created to connect the community interested on this subject. This is one of the results of the International Conference on Policy Diffusion and Development Cooperation, held at the Federal University of São Paulo, in May 2018. The Conference registered more than 170 participants, coming from all over the world.  In order to keep the network alive, this platform allows to share information with different material related to international public policies. Here it is possible to upload recent academic articles and books, reports, videos and podcasts. 

There is also a space for advertising events, create discussion forums on specific topics and webinars. Feel free to have a tour on our platform and use the material, quoting properly the authors. Hope you enjoy and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to write us at: policydiffusion@gmail.com.

Sobre o GPIPP

A Plataforma Global de Políticas Públicas Internacionais é um espaço criado para conectar a comunidade interessada no tema. Esse é um dos resultados da Conferência Internacional sobre Difusão de Políticas e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento, realizada na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, em maio de 2018. A Conferência registrou mais de 170 participantes, vindos de todas as partes do mundo.  Com o objetivo de manter a rede viva, esta plataforma permite o compartilhamento de informações com diferentes materiais relacionados a políticas públicas internacionais. Aqui é possível fazer o upload de artigos acadêmicos e livros recentes, relatórios, vídeos e podcasts. 

Há também um espaço para anunciar eventos, criar fóruns de discussão sobre tópicos específicos e webinars. Sinta-se à vontade para fazer um tour em nossa plataforma e usar o material, citando corretamente os autores. Esperamos que você goste e, se tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em nos escrever para: policydiffusion@gmail.com.

Cordinator of the Platform

Assistant Professor
Department of International Relations
Federal University of São Paulo – Brazil
Email: osmanyporto@gmail.com


Osmany Porto de Oliveira received in 2019 the “Early Research Award” of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), in the 4th Conference of the Association held at Montreal. He is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). He holds two PhDs in Political Science. He received a PhD from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III (2015), with the highest distinction “very honourable distinction, with unanimous congratulations from the jury”, and a PhD from the University of São Paulo (2013), in which the jury highlighted the “intense engagement on fieldwork in his thesis”. He received his B.A in International Relations from the University of Bologna in Italy in 2006 and a M.A in Latin American Studies from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle/IHEAL in France in 2008. He also won the award of best young researcher at the CEISAL Congress at the University Fernando Pessoa in Portugal (2013).

He publishes regularly in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. His main books are “Latin America and Policy Diffusion”, with C. Osorio, S. Montero and K. Leite, Routledge, 2019, “International Policy Diffusion and Participatory Budgeting”, Palgrave McMillan (2017) and “Le transfert d’un modèle de démocratie participative: Paradiplomatie entre Porto Alegre et Saint-Denis” (2010), Éditions IHEAL/CREDA.

At the Federal University of São Paulo he Coordinates the International Public Policies Laboratory (LABOPPI). His areas of research include the following topics: public policy, international relations, policy diffusion, development cooperation, participatory democracy, food security and urban policies. He has conducted fieldwork in different countries: Brazil, Mozambique, Peru, Senegal, Kenya, United States, South Africa, Ecuador, France and Spain. 

In 2018 he organized the International Conference on Policy Diffusion and Development Cooperation, a global event held in São Paulo, which had 276 registered participants from more than 20 countries.